
Principal Investigator

Qin (Maggie) Qi @maggieqigroup

Ph.D., Stanford University, 2018
M.S., Stanford University, 2017
B.S., Cornell University, 2013

Dr. Qin (Maggie) Qi joined MIT’s department of chemical engineering as the James R. Mares ’24 Career Development Chair Assistant Professor in Chemical Engineering in January 2022. Her research applies fundamental principles of complex fluids and soft matter to develop precision medicine for human health. She obtained her bachelor’s degree in chemical engineering and operations research at Cornell University in 2013. She received her Ph.D. in chemical engineering with Prof. Eric Shaqfeh at Stanford University in 2018, where she developed a diagnostic model of platelet adhesion and bleeding based on a microhydrodynamic theory of cellular suspensions. She conducted postdoctoral research with Prof. Samir Mitragotri in the Wyss Institute of Biologically Inspired Engineering and the School of Engineering and Applied Sciences at Harvard University. There she explored the use of macromolecular transport mechanisms for drug delivery and tool development, including transdermal delivery enhanced by ionic liquids and subcutaneous injection tested by an organ-on-a-chip approach. She was a member of the inaugural class of MIT Rising Stars in Chemical Engineering.

Curriculum Vitae | Chemical Engineering Faculty Profile 

Other affiliations:
Multi-cellular engineered living systems (M-CELS) at MIT

PostDoctoral Students

Isaac Pincus

BE, BSc, University of Queensland, 2017

Isaac studies the application of theory and computer simulations to problems in rheology, soft matter and complex fluids, with a particular focus on polymer solutions. He has recently submitted for examination a PhD thesis at the Monash University Department of Chemical and Biological Engineering, and previously completed a dual Bachelor’s degree in Chemical Engineering and Physics at the University of Queensland in 2017. For this PhD thesis, he was supervised by J. Ravi Prakash and Alison Rodger, studying the use of Brownian dynamics simulations to predict Linear Dichroism and rheology of polymer solutions in flow. During his time at Monash, he was vice president of the Chemical Engineering Student Association (CEPA), and helped to organise two postgraduate student conferences. He has also worked on undergraduate experimental rheology and soft matter research projects at UQ. Isaac will be beginning a postdoctoral research position in Maggie Qi’s research group at Massachusetts Institute of Technology Department of Chemical Engineering in late 2022. Outside of research, Isaac enjoys hiking, rock climbing, and reading, amongst other hobbies.

Undergraduate Students

Andrew J Zhao
Duha Syar
Jyotsna R Nair


Krishnapriya Rajaram
Jehan H Ahmed
Ananth P Shyamal


Fiona Duong

Duha Syar

Jyotsna R Nair